Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sweetwater String Band

Beginning in late November 2008, four friends got together around the Jerry Garcia songbook and began running through songs. The idea was at first casual, something fun to do, with a bluegrass influence, to entertain folks one night a week at the local bar. But as with anything, over time, our focus became more serious, and next thing we knew, we were trying to live up to something we'd never actually attained. We were striving to provide a quality performance of original and traditional bluegrass music at a level that still remains out of reach, though we have gotten closer and closer with practice and performance. Now, more than anything, our energy is tempered with experience, our ability tempered and improved with practice, and our drive has slowed down to accept the reality that this music will consume the rest of our lives. Here are a couple of clips that were captured during our first year of existence as the Sweetwater String Band....

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